Committing to the success of our clients around the world
Turn your shelf data into powerful insights
and targeted actions with Ailet CPG Platform
Transform the value of your in-store data into revenue growth driver with Ailet Retail Platform
Harness the power of innovative opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry
from Big Data
Easy to use in-app* clear guidelines for in-store execution excellence to drive productivity of your sales teams, supervisors and auditors. Ensure the product your customer wants to buy is available at the right place, time and quantity.
*73% of users rate the convenience of the application by 4.8 points out of 5
Do you know what is happening at your point of sale right now? Ensure timely responses and control over the shelves in store by supervisors, auditors, data/category managers. Maximize the potential of your teams with speed, scale and efficiency.
Discover valuable insights hidden in your data and turn it into success! Extensive BI dashboards provide easy-to-read visualization of real-time store data analytics. Enable auditors, category managers, sales managers, and marketing make data-based decisions.
Committing to the success of our clients around the world
Success Stories
Retail Chain
Retail Corporation
FMCG Brand
Food Manufacturer
Food Manufacturer
Coffee Manufacturer
Spirits Producer
Pharmaceutical Brand
Food Manufacturer
FMCG Brand
Food Manufacturer
Spirits Producer
FMCG Brand
Coffee & Tea Manufacturer