Sales Force Efficiency +
Image Recognition

Drive sales with real-time visibility and control
over retail execution and field-team performance

Key Benefits

Single platform for store routes, execution tasks management

40-60% reduction
in store audit time

Automated shelf data collection, KPI calculation and real-time retail analytics

Increased sales 2-5%

Increase product availability, ensure correct prices for your products in stores and improve customer loyalty


  • manual data collection
  • manual control of store
    tasks execution
  • no single store KPI data

With Image

  • х2 increased store coverage
  • full visibility into field-teams

real-time data on:

  • On-shelf availability
  • Share-of-shelf
  • POS material
  • Regular and promo prices
  • Trade equipment

A single platform to support all of the steps in achieving merchandising excellence and efficient field-teams

Create daily routes and tasks for your field- teams
Review store visit results with photo confirmation on Ailet Portal
Set-up your field-team structure, territories, stores, teams
Receive at-the-shelf execution analytics on AI-powered mobile app
Evaluate POS results in real time with Ailet BI analytical dashboards

Set-up your field-team structure, territories, stores, teams

Create daily routes and tasks for your field- teams
Receive at-the-shelf execution analytics on AI-powered mobile app
Review store visit results with photo confirmation on Ailet Portal
Evaluate POS results in real time with Ailet BI analytical dashboards

Create POS execution tasks and track team's performance in real time

Simplify communication between the management and the field-teams. Streamline retail execution processes and drive operational efficiency

Set-up daily store routes for
your field-teams

  • preset directory of regions, cities and territory management system
  • geolocation check

Ensure precise retail execution with store specific task management

  • Wide set of automatically calculated KPIs
  • Uploading supporting images and files to the task
  • Additional questions for the field-teams to answer while carrying out tasks

Access real-time retail data with BI analytical dashboards

Review collected store analytics and filter data by:

  • retail metrics
  • country
  • region
  • retail chain
  • store type
  • store visit

Simplify POS execution processes with IR-assisted mobile app

Make every store visit count.
In-app guidelines for your field-teams on how to reach targeted retail KPIs at each location

1Check the routes and select the store
2Select the assigned tasks
3Take a picture of the shelf
4Receive shelf KPIs analytics in real-time
1A User takes a photo
of the shelf
2Images are processed
and recognized instantly
3Real-time analytics
are available for
the management team

Find out how to achieve merchandising excellence

Watch demo video now

Empower field-force efficiency and achieve shelf KPIs
with AI-powered End-2-end store control

Accelerate sales growth with IR Solutions

Contact us

Success cases

Coca Cola Andina
Perfetti Van Melle
Las 3 cadenas minoristas mƔs grandes del mundo
Gigante minorista global
Fabricante lĆ­der de confiterĆ­a
Las 3 mejores marcas de cuidado del hogar
Productor lĆ­der de vegetales procesados
Las 3 empresas de alimentos y bebidas mƔs grandes
Marca clƔsica de cafƩ
Empresa lĆ­der en licores
CompaƱƭa global de salud
Fabricante lĆ­der de confiterĆ­a
Fabricante lĆ­der de alimentos para mascotas
Fabricante lƭder de alimentos para bebƩs
Productor lƭder de whisky, coƱac y vino
Las 5 principales empresas de fabricaciĆ³n de papel en rollo
Principal fabricante de cafƩ y tƩ


How to ensure precise sales strategy execution
in stores?
Planogram – an essential sales driver in Retail
APAS SHOW. It’s official – Ailet in Brazil
Retail Execution
Retail Execution in todays realities