Voices of Ailet | February 2024

Discovering Professional Stories

Luiz, based in SĆ£o Paulo, with over 10 years in beverage and consumer goods, excels in trade marketing and sales. As Business Development Manager Mercosul at Ailet, he oversees commercial and marketing in South America, enhancing growth through expertise in business planning and market analysis to drive growth. Passionate about innovation and customer satisfaction, Luiz is committed to driving Ailet's success.

Tell us about your story with Ailet. When did you start working here? What is your role and responsibilities?

The first contact I had with this technology was very interesting because I was working for a pharmaceutical company in 2020 and I ran a campaign for the company's best customers, both distributors and direct retailers who bought medicines. The prize was to take all these customers to the NRF in New York, the biggest retail trade show in the world. So we took about 10 clients to this fair, we spent a week there in New York, it was a very cool experience. And the most interesting thing I saw at the whole fair was the image recognition solution. I've always worked in Trade Marketing, and then I was amazed by a solution I saw at NRF in the startup area. I said, "How sensational it is to capture so much information through a photo with that precision and speed and have all this information available almost automatically."

Ever since then, I've had the desire to work with technology and take that career step into one of the hottest areas of the market. And that's when my ex-director opened up a position as a BDM (Business Development Manager) in the area. Although I haven't had direct experience with the technology itself, I have extensive experience with its application and the benefits it can bring to customers. And that was the beginning of my story with Ailet, in 2022, when I started working to develop the market here in Brazil. Today, in addition to this country, Iā€™m also responsible for market development for businesses in Mercosur, being responsible for understanding the market, planning strategies for approaching these markets, and understanding the needs and applications of clients, both commercially and in terms of marketing and events.
What can you highlight about your work?


I like to have contact with different areas and different cultures. Here at Ailet, I have the opportunity internally to have contact with various departments, to learn various things about the development of technology, and on the other hand, I also have contact with various areas within the clients. This also allows me to have a complete view of the needs and application of the solutions.

As a sales specialist, what are the main qualities that Ailet provides for customers?

Understand the market, develop and implement commercial strategies for the development of Ailet in the region so that we can meet the needs of our customers by adding value to Sales, Trade Marketing, and Merchandising operations, so that they sell more with a lower cost of service to the stores, bringing more accurate and faster information from the points of sale. Some companies have previously been impacted by other solutions still under development and unfortunately, this contact was not positive in terms of the effectiveness of Image Recognition. However, with Ailet, we have proven to customers through Demos, POCs, and pilots that the solution is extremely reliable and effective.

How would you describe the company's approach to customer success, and how does your team ensure customer satisfaction?


The solution is global and serves various sales channels, consumer goods industries, agencies, distributors, and retailers. My background in these channels and Ailet's background in various categories and channels enables us to add consulting value to clients beyond simply applying the solution. Ailet can understand the client's needs, usage, and obstacles throughout this process. We offer the flexibility and agility to serve this client in the best possible way.


Can you share an example of a successful project?Ā 


We recently worked with one of the largest food companies in Brazil. It was a great satisfaction to receive positive feedback from all company areas, in which Ailet's solution integrated seamlessly with the existing operations and systems.

In your opinion, what are the main advantages of working at an international company like Ailet?


Working remotely is a great benefit, you can be by the coast, in the mountains, or inside the stores, as well as being able to keep a close eye on my daughters' growth. And also the contact with different cultures and languages. I worked for many years in Trade Marketing and Sales management, and now providing technology services for these areas I have learned a lot about the development of Artificial Intelligence within large corporations, as well as contact with different internal areas and different cultures, which brings lasting knowledge to my career.


Lastly, in your own words, what makes Ailet a great place to work, and why would you recommend it to potential candidates? Why would you recommend Ailet to potential customers?


Working in a dynamic company that is constantly seeking to develop to better serve its customers, with diverse cultures and daily learning. Clients can be sure that they will be working with the provider of the best technology and the best people.

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