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+10% to product on-shelf availability (OSA)


A premier confectionery manufacturer, distributing its delightful products across 159 countries, identified the need to amplify its retail execution strategies within Modern Trade environments. The brand aimed to address specific challenges that hindered optimal product visibility and availability on retail shelves.

The primary objective was to refine retail execution practices to ensure better product placement and availability. The company sought a solution that could provide comprehensive insights into on-shelf performance and enhance the efficiency of field operations.

Key initiatives

To achieve these goals, the confectionery giant partnered with Ailet and implemented the Retail Execution Basic solution. This strategic decision led to several significant improvements:

  • Enhanced retail execution, marked by a 10 percentage point increase in on-shelf product availability.
  • Acquisition of transparent on-shelf data from 40,000 visits per month, offering a granular view of product presence and competitor positioning.
  • Gained insights into the real shelf situation, including visibility and neighboring products, facilitating better strategic decisions.
  • Increased efficiency allowed for more field workers to be allocated to the project, thanks to time savings and improved transparency and control over the merchandising team.


The implementation of Ailet's solution revolutionized the company's commercial processes through the adoption of innovative technology. The enhancements in retail execution not only improved on-shelf product availability by around 10 percentage points but also provided valuable insights into shelf conditions, ultimately leading to better strategic decisions and operational efficiencies. This comprehensive approach to modern retail execution fortified the brand's presence and competitiveness in the global market.

Solutions used by our clients