In-store data collection process at winning CPG companies in Latin America
Latest McKensey Commercial Excellence Benchmarking Survey have yet again proven direct correlation between implementing technology in day-to day processes and excelling in in-store execution.
The study included 36 Latin American CPG Companies with combined revenue of $25 billion, appraising the value of “winning” in proportion to company’s market performance and business practices.
- 86% of winning companies leverage technology in in-store execution;
- 71% of operational staff in winning companies use smartphones or other handheld devices for instore data capture, inventory tracking.
In addition, a crucial term for boosting in-store execution is keeping track of personnel’s KPIs and rewarding them accordingly to their performance, through optimizing store visits and planogram compliance.
The quality and timeliness of collected data in stores is a critical matter for exploiting opportunities in cost reduction, process optimization and increase in revenues.