Shelf image recognition

Boost sales and deliver precise product placement with the AI-powered Retail Platform

In the swiftly shifting domain of retail, shelf image recognition has become a linchpin technology, reshaping the methodologies through which enterprises manage inventory and enrich consumer experiences. This cutting-edge technology harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automate the surveillance of shelf spaces within stores, ensuring optimal product placement and availability

Deciphering Shelf Image Recognition

Shelf image recognition entails utilizing AI-enhanced cameras and software to capture and scrutinize images of retail shelves. These systems can discern products, detect vacant spaces, and even identify misplaced items. By perpetually monitoring shelves, retailers can maintain precise inventory levels and guarantee that products are always accessible to customers.

Core Elements of Shelf Image Recognition Systems

  • Cameras: High-definition cameras that capture intricate images of the shelves.
  • AI Algorithms: Machine learning models that analyze the images to identify products and detect irregularities.
  • Data Integration: The system’s capability to integrate with existing inventory management software for real-time updates.
  • User Interface: A dashboard that allows store managers to oversee shelf conditions and inventory levels.

Key Benefits

Decisions based on real-time data

Set your brand apart and gain market share with responsive management and field teams. Explore the ability to respond to the current situation in stores on time

Success-oriented field teams

Facilitate collaboration between the management and field teams. Provide actionable insights and real-time analytics for all the business units involved

Merchandising excellence

Deliver precise execution of the retail program for your products. Track, evaluate and improve inaccuracies in placement, pricing or promo material right at the shelf

Pricing policy compliance

Ensure correct prices for your products across all sales channels. Make sure the promotional activities start and end on time

Advantages of Shelf Image Recognition

Implementing shelf image recognition bestows numerous benefits upon retailers, from improved inventory management to enhanced customer satisfaction.

Grocery Stores

In grocery stores, shelf image recognition ensures that fresh produce and other perishable items are consistently in stock. The system can also help identify products nearing expiration, facilitating timely discounts and reducing food waste.


Pharmacies benefit from shelf image recognition by maintaining precise inventory levels of essential medications. This is crucial for ensuring that patients have timely access to the medicines they need.

Convenience Stores

Convenience stores, characterized by their fast-paced environments, can employ shelf image recognition to keep popular items readily available. This technology supports the rapid turnover of high-demand products, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Specialty Retailers

Specialty retailers dealing with niche products can leverage shelf image recognition to manage limited stock effectively. This ensures that unique items are always prominently displayed and available when customers seek them.

Use the Ailet App Today!

Are you ready to take your retail business to the next level? The Ailet app offers state-of-the-art shelf image recognition technology to help you streamline operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost sales. With Ailet, you get:

  • Easy to Use: A user-friendly interface that simplifies the creation and adjustment of planograms.
  • Real-Time Insights: Instant feedback on product performance for data-driven decisions.
  • Boosted Sales: Optimized product placement to maximize visibility and increase sales.
  • Time Savings: Automated processes that free up your staff for more customer-centric tasks.

Don’t wait any longer! Download the Ailet app today and start transforming your retail operations with cutting-edge shelf image recognition technology.

Visit Ailet’s website to learn more and get started now!

How does it work?


A User takes a photo of the shelf


Images are processed
and recognized instantly


Real-time analytics are available for the management team

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